

Africa Children Food

Eat What You Want Day

The Eat What You Want Day was created to help people break away from the frustrating health and diet trends of our times – if for only one day. Just let go and enjoy life and give in to every craving you might have. Even though the pictures in our European heads may differ largely from the pictures in the heads of the Masai in Kenya.


Mouth watering pastry!

Everyone eats and drinks; yet only few appreciate the taste of food.


Their food staples are very limited – Ugali (similar to polenta) and cabbage. They eat meat only on special occasions.

Children Smart Nursery

Peter Pan Day

Today is Peter Pan Day. Peter Pan is a fictional character in the children’s story by James Matthew Barrie. He spends his never-ending childhood on the mythical island «Neverland». Peter Pan represents the carelessness and innocence of childhood, having imaginary and very often violent adventures and being completely oblivious of real danger and sorrow. Peter Pan never changes and never grows up.

Growing up is such a barbarous business, full of inconvenience…and pimples.
Captain Hook from Peter Pan

In sharp contrast to this fictional figure, children in Kenya and Cambodia have no choice but to face the realities of adulthood already at an early age. In 2016, 41% of the Kenyan population was younger than 15 years old. This age group represents a mere 13, 14 and 15% of the total population in Germany, Austria and Switzerland respectively. Also in 2016, the average age of the Kenyan population was 19.5 years and the life expectancy was at 64 years of age. The low life expectancy rate is due largely to the spread of HIV and AIDS. This also means many of Kenya’s children are orphans. In 2016, the average per capita income of Kenya was at $3,400, i.e. a mere 6% of the Swiss average of $59,400. A huge part of the the Kenyan children face massive financial hardship and subsequently have to work to contribute to the meager household income. They do not have much time to enjoy their childhood and just be children. This is one of the main reasons why the Masai population continues to ask for the construction of safe havens such as nurseries and kindergartens for their children. Here you will find more information about the Smart Nurseries project.

*) Source: The World Factbook, Central Intelligence Agency, U.S.


Africa Children Health

Kenya: Children’s Vaccinations

We have offered Dr. Angela a bonus to speed up the vaccination of children, which had already been financed. Deadlines are end of April, end of May and end of June – hopefully this will work! We will keep you posted…..

Dr. Angela - zuständige Ärztin beim Masai Mama Africa Center in Olpirikata

Go, go…Dr. Angela