

Cambodia Children Kenya

World Smile Day

Verb (used without object), smiled, smiling
« to assume a facial expression indicating pleasure, favor, or amusement, but sometimes derision or scorn, characterized by an upturning of the corners of the mouth. »

«form one’s features into a pleased, kind, or amused expression, typically with the corners of the mouth turned up and the front teeth exposed.»

According to Mother Theresa, we shall never know all the good that a simple smile can do and for Charlie Chaplin a day without laughter was a day wasted.

Once the smiling muscles in our face contract, there is a positive feedback loop that now goes back to the brain and reinforces our feeling of joy.

10 more reasons for a smile


  • reduces stress
  • is likeable
  • makes people more attractive
  • stimulates our brain’s reward mechanisms which have anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties
  • boosts metabolism
  • reduces tension and inhibitions
  • relaxes and increases well being
  • helps to bond with others
  • reduces the risk of heart attack
  • increases oxygen exchange in the brain and consequently improves concentration.

These children’s smiles are irresistible.

Cambodia Children Safe House

World Doll Day

Today is World Doll Day. The World Doll Day was established in 1986 by a woman named Mildred Seeley, to celebrate not only dolls, but caring, love and the people offering it, in general.
Mildred Seeley (1918 – 2001) was an avid doll collector and a dollmaking entrepreneur. She is also author of numerous books about doll collecting and doll making. She became known internationally for her collection of French dolls which sold for $1.8m in 2002.

Our little doll owners in the pictures definitely do not care about the financial value of their dolls but they enjoy playing family with them and nurturing and loving them as their own babies – or just brushing their hair.